Thursday, October 15, 2009

What is double eyelid?

Double eyelid or shuang yan pi is a term the Chinese use to describe an upper lid that is born with an eyelid crease. It literally describe the limited understanding of earlier people that the eyelid her has two sections, the larger segment above the crease, and the narrower section below it. Together it gives the upper eyelid an improved aesthetic(cosmetic) appearance.

For the last 100 years, there has been procedures described in the Asian medical literature about how to add an eyelid crease, whether by a limited stitching method alone(mostly reported between 1900-1950), and the external incision methods reported in the last fifty years.Depending on the skill of the surgeon, there are advocates of each school.

About half of all Asians have eyelids with no crease, hence the term "single eyelid". There are no functional advantage of having either single or double eyelid features, other than some individuals feel that, for them, double eyelid with crease is better for them.

I have been perfecting and obsessing over my way of performing double eyelid crease procedure through the last 20 years. My criteria for an excellent technique would include the ability to remove excess tissues,in a small amount, that allows the crease to be formed like a natural Asian eyelid with crease, would minimize complications, would be continuous, permanent, and have the best possible crease.
I started by investigating all the techniques and then formed my own specific steps for the incisional technique, as I feel it best approach the natural double eyelid. The factors which help as well as hinder the crease fold were identified systematically, and along the way the skill it took me to work on first time patients as well as revisions were gradually perfected.

More details,photos and references can be followed by my personal page at :
